
Azure Load balancing allows for distribution of load or incoming network traffic across a group of backend resources or servers. It operates at layer 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It is the single point of contact for clients.


In this episode I give you introduction to what Azure Load Balancer service is and what are the key concepts around it including integrations with virtual machine scale sets and availability sets.


In this episode I will show you a live demo of

  • Creating load balancer service
  • Adding backend pools
  • Creating health probes
  • Creating load balancing rules

Source code: https://github.com/MarczakIO/azure4everyone-samples/tree/master/azure-load-balancer-introduction


Next steps for you after watching the video

  1. Load balancer documentation
  2. basic versus Standard Load Balancer
  3. Quickstart

Adam Marczak

Programmer, architect, trainer, blogger, evangelist are just a few of many titles. What I really am, is a passionate technology enthusiast. I take great pleasure in learning new technologies and finding ways in which it can aid people every day. My latest passion is running an Azure 4 Everyone YouTube channel, where I show that Azure really is for everyone!

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