
With ARM templates you can perform conditional deployment of your Azure infrastructure with ease. All it takes is a simple evaluation.


In this episode I give you introduction conditional deployment with condition property and show you practical examples of applying this practice for templates.

Source code for demos: https://github.com/MarczakIO/azure4everyone-samples/tree/master/azure-resourcemanager-templates-conditions


In this episode I will show you a live demo of

  • Deploying Storage Accounts conditionally
  • Fixing common issues with conditional deployments
  • Deployment dependent resources and using references
  • Cleaning templates
  • Building on-off switches


Next steps for you after watching the video

  1. Conditional deployment doc references

Adam Marczak

Programmer, architect, trainer, blogger, evangelist are just a few of many titles. What I really am, is a passionate technology enthusiast. I take great pleasure in learning new technologies and finding ways in which it can aid people every day. My latest passion is running an Azure 4 Everyone YouTube channel, where I show that Azure really is for everyone!

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