If you need to deploy multiple services and combine them together using ARM templates, then this episode is for you. This time we are going to look at orchestration using dependencies and references.
In this episode I give you introduction to orchestration with dependencies and references for Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. This is how you can achieve maximum parallelization while maintain proper deployment order.
Source code for demos: https://github.com/MarczakIO/azure4everyone-samples/tree/master/azure-resourcemanager-templates-dependencies
In this episode I will show you a live demo of
- Deploying Storage Account and Containers
- Deploying Storage Account and Containers as child resources
- Visualizing ARM templates with VS Code extensions
- Deploying Web App (App Service) with App Service Plan
- Deploying Web App setting with Storage Account connection string using list functions
Next steps for you after watching the video
- Set deployment order with dependencies documentation
- What are child resources